Indian number one trade union Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) calls Nationwide agitation with slogan Save Public Sector - Save India and organizes Unit Level Dharnas on 10th June 2020.
In a statement BMS affiliated Telecom PSUs Federation ITEF Secretary General SVS Subramanyam, requested all its telecom sector Union General Secretaries to organize Unit Level Dharnas on 10th June 2020.
A meeting of the National Coordination Committee of Public Sectors of Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) comprising of the representatives of BMS unions in sectors like Coal, Non-coal, Defence, Railway, Postal, Banking, Insurance, Steel, Marine and PSUs like Telecom, Power, Defence production, Heavy engineering, Oil and gas, FCI, Aviation, Chemical, Currency and coins, Atomic energy, NALCO, NLC etc. was held on 2nd and 3rd June 2020.
The meeting was held to decide on the BMS action plan against the privatization process aggressively pursued by the Central Government in different names in different sectors like the commercialization of coal sector, corporatization of Defence ordnance factories board and Railway, Strategic sale of PSUs, merger and privatization of banks, Insurance, increasing FDI cap etc.
At last BMS decided in the meeting, Bharaity Mazdoor Sangh will launch a nationwide agitation on 10th June' 2020 under the banner “Save Public Sector, Save India”. BMS will organize protest programs in all the above-mentioned units in the form of daylong dharna, protest meetings, and campaign etc. at the unit level.
In a statement BMS Secretary General Shri Vrijesh Upadyay said, It is being observed from past few decisions of the Government that it is trying to push and impose its unjust decisions on the workers of the country. The BMS is committed to fighting until it prevents the government from taking public control sector and anti-worker decisions.
The meeting hailed the contribution of the public sector to the national economy as well as the service to the people and demanded to stop of privatization to save the nation and stakeholders. The government justifies the extreme need for money to operate government machines. However, government has no moral right or authority to sell national goods created by his predecessors.
Previously, the government tried to make a strategic move on behalf of the sale of loss-making sectors; but since no sensible purchaser was ready to take up loss-making units, the government is forced to switch to its main reason for selling highly profitable sectors like Maharatna/Navaratnas to lure the purchaser.
The Government advisors are lacking in ideas for generating income, so the only one way out provide to the Government is “Corporatize and Privatize”. Such predatory advisors are working against the interests of the nation and are interested in maintaining real experts away from the Government even in times of difficulties.
The government should give up its reluctance to social dialogue and start consulting stakeholders to find out other means to address fiscal deficit and revenue generation.
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